Kaj Franck: Kremlin Bells, KF1500, Kremlin kellot

(ENG) The Kremlin Bells by Kaj Franck are becoming increasingly difficult to find - especially for a reasonable price. The double caraffes has been sold also separately so there is the possibility of finding it, from a flea market even. I once succeeded finding a...

Kaj Franck: pitcher 1621, pallo-sylinteri kaadin

(ENG) I bought my first Kaj Franck's pitcher 1621 on an online auction for 40 euros in the year 2009. It was a clear pitcher with rattan. This was the beginning of my collection of these pitchers, which I now have seven – five with rattan and two without it. The model...



Logo design, visual identity,
Color themes, magazines and advertisements.

Website, e-newsletters
and social media.

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“Our collaboration with graphic artist Jani Käsmä has been excellent. Jani has been able to put on engagement, visually very pleasing final result, and given constructive suggestions for further development. With his help, we have renewed our association websites, member magazines, electronic newsletters, as well as the look of the printed material and have received very positive feedback from the whole. We can heartily recommend Jani partner in a variety of marketing and communication assignments.”

Anne-Mari Niemelä

Communications Officer, Turun Seudun Ekonomit ry

“Jani has created the Finnish special education union a clear visual identity, as well as online and printed materials. We are proud of the time according with a lively visual identity! Long-term cooperation has been excellent, accurate and Jani’s grip is constructive – he has a strong vision of the challenges of today and how they are encountered. Jani’s handiwork has created a Special Education Magazine business card alliance, which is a pleasure to share partners.”

Päivi Juntti

Chairman, Suomen erityiskasvatuksen liitto ry

“Jani’s work is the quality right. The partner, he is flexible and precise. With Jani is good to work with, because he makes high quality output accurately. Good graphic eye and work attitude.”

Paavo Ranta

Cost Supplier, Kirjapaja Oy

“The schedule we stayed very well. The result was a creative and dynamic, contemporary. Designers became good, own-initiative proposals during the process. The result was a very cost-effective and professional in every way.”

Juho Niemelä

Web Worker, Central administration